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Deck Title Type Created Autor Created date Hits
Anson Gun 2019-08-11 Deck Martin Weinmaier 2019-08-14 Views: 037686
Demo: Toreador Deck Brett Schofield 2019-08-05 Views: 038283
Garou Rim: Dawn Operation Deck Esa-Matti Smolander 2019-08-08 Views: 036341
Illuminati TWD 2019-12-28 Views: 036969
Lasombra S&B with Noctorn Deck 2019-08-05 Views: 038120
Revenge of Capuchin Deck 2019-08-05 Views: 038030
Spanish Ladies AV Deck Kragujevac, Serbia 2019-08-08 Views: 037511
Stanislava TWD Martin Weinmayer 2019-08-08 Views: 041438
Tremere Cardano Combat Deck 2019-08-05 Views: 041363
Ventrue Anti Law Firm Deck Kai Kimmerle 2019-08-05 Views: 037314
Ventrue Law Firm Deck Kai Kimmerle 2019-08-05 Views: 039588
Victoria´s Secret TWD Martin Weinmayer 2019-08-09 Views: 037331
Weenie Dementation Bleed TWD Martin Weinmayer 2019-08-09 Views: 038436

Tags: vtes, deck

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About us

We are a small, creative and motivated team to enforce vtes.

  • Martin Weinmaier (event manager EU)
  • Igor Beslin (event manager EU)
  • Kai Kimmerle (developer)

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Portions of the materials are the copyrights and trademarks of White Wolf Entertainment AB, and are used with permission. All rights reserved. For more information please visit white-wolf.com.
JyhadTM, Vampire: The Eternal StruggleTM and all game symbols are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast,Inc. and White Wolf, Inc. All World of Darkness related terms are trademarks of White Wolf, Inc.This product is not published or endorsed by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. or White Wolf, Inc. Design and Impressum Kai Kimmerle